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Addressing Common Queries

Acnemune Frequently asked questions and answers

Acnemune is committed to providing clarity and support to its users. Our FAQ section answers crucial questions regarding the longevity of treatment effects, storage instructions, expected improvements, side effects, and our commitment to customer satisfaction, including our refund policy for those who don’t see improvement after a month of treatment.
Not necessarily. The current novel formulation of Acnemune requires continuous treatment. However, it is possible that after one or two months of treatment, further treatments will not be required for a long while.
Acnemune has a shelf life of one year refrigerated (about 42 degrees Fahrenheit), 4 months at room temperature (68 degrees Fahrenheit) and 6 weeks at warm temperature (98 degrees Fahrenheit). Please bear in mind that if you leave Acnemune in your car in summer months, the temperature in the car can reach up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, which can diminish or destroy the active ingredients in Acnemune. Also, if you leave it in your car during Winter and it freezes, it may reduce the efficacy of some of the active ingredients of Acnemune. However, if you carry Acnemune on you and you are only exposed to normal room temperature, you will be fine. Having said that, we strongly recommend that you start using Acnemune as soon as you receive it and use up the contents within a month, i.e. twice or three times a day, morning and evenings, or mornings, at noon and evenings.
You can usually see visible results within a less than a week, and by weeks 3 or 4, most if not all of your acne should disappear, depending on the severity of your condition.
Although almost all other acne treatments have various forms of side effects, we have not thus far detected any side effects after Acnemune use, i.e. no itching, scaling, redness, etc. However, individual results may vary.
Although this is extremely unlikely, if you provide us with daily or weekly pictures of before and after treatment while using the Acnemune spray, with no significant improvement, we will reimburse you a full refund.
It is not necessary to change your diet while treating with Acnemune, unless advised by your doctor for treatments other than Acnemune.
Yes, please send us good quality pictures (taken by cell phone is OK, but please use the same pose and same lighting and position) before treatment and daily until the end of one month after start of treatment, we will give you 100% discount on your next order. However, this offer will be valid only for the first 50 customers who choose to use this offer after our product launch.
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